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08. 02. 2024

Day and night mode

The BM-03 breathing monitor is equipped with an optical sensor to detect day and night or darkness. As a result, the alarm LEDs light up at night with less intensity than during the day, which helps to keep parents sleeping peacefully.

However, if the night vision babyphone camera is activated at the same time while the BM-03 is being used at night, the Day/Night mode function may be affected. The infrared illumination of the camera is an invisible light source to the human eye, but the optical sensor in the control unit detects it as ambient light.  In view of this fact, the signal LEDs can illuminate at higher or even full intensity as in daylight even in apparent darkness. This fact does not affect breath monitoring, but can disturb parents before falling asleep.

If you have a cot in which the baby sleeps in the bedroom, we recommend switching off the babyphone camera at night. The BM-03 will then respond by correctly reducing the intensity of the light.

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The sensor pad contains a sensor that captures even the baby’s smallest movements. Its service life is two years, then the sensitivity decreases. Therefore, on expiry of this period, it is essential to buy a new pad for the breathing monitor. The old pad cannot be "calibrated" and its use safely prolonged.

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